Knight Cup / Gellibrand Shield Sunday 11 June Updated

Update –

Sounds like it was a good day and the scores are on the results page. Thanks to Steve for sorting these out. Seems like the tree that for years has been poised to fall on the roof has done so! We fixed the roof recently so we will have to try to repair or replace this in fairly short order. This may cause some disruption so some shoots may be amended but we will let you know.

I was sorry to miss the shoot and had to make do with a quick visit to a range in Nashville where everything is full auto! Gets through the ammo quick.

The next shoot is a Modern McQueens but this is subject to our being able to get the relevant kit out of the damaged shed. We will advise closer the time.

Sundays shoot is a Queens 2 with 2×10 at at 300, 500 and 600 yards. It should be a good opportunity to test your elevations and will require rifles to be zeroed before and attendees to be organised so it doesn’t take all day.

Target Rifles will shoot first followed by others and all are welcome so don’t be put off and waste an opportunity for a good days shooting in what will most likely be fine weather.

Perhaps Black Powder isnt the right thing to use but below is an excellent picture courtesy of Lee, caught just before Andy obscures the targets.